Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Berenstain Bears Play T-Ball (by Stan and Jan Berenstain)

4/5 = Really Liked It
Little Fox says: "I like T-Ball...I liked that they were playing tag [instead of T-ball]. That was kind of funny."

Momma: You play T-ball.  Did the kids in the book make some funny mistakes?
Fox: One ran to second base [instead of first base] and they played tag.
Momma: How did Brother and Sister Bear feel when the kids kept being silly?
Fox: Kind of frustrated.
Momma: And what did the Ump tell them to do?  He said they should teach the kids how to play.  So what did Brother and Sister do?
Fox: They showed the ball and the bat and the glove and they showed them how to bat and catch and put their mitt on the ground and catch the ball.
Momma: What advice would momma give them if I saw Brother and Sister were getting frustrated?
Fox: Don't step on your hat.
Momma:  That's true!  But what advice do I give you when I see you're getting frustrated?
Fox: Take a deep breath.
Momma: That's right.  Take a deep breath and calm down and try to be patient.

Madlenka Soccer Star (by Peter Sis)

3/5 = Liked It

Little Fox says: "I like this book because I like soccer!"

Momma: This was a pretty silly book.  This little girl loved to play soccer so she ran around her neighborhood and she played with...
Fox: A mailbox!
Momma: And she played with...
Fox: A dog!
Momma: And she played with...
Fox: A car thermometer?
Momma: Close -- it's called a 'parking meter'.  And she played with...
Fox: A trash can!
Momma: And THEN she played with...
Fox: A bunch of cats!
Momma: Finally, who did she get to play with for real?
Fox: Her friends!
Momma: Who do you like to play soccer with?  A mailbox?
Fox: Daddy.

Every Cowgirl Loves a Rodeo (by Rebecca Janni)

3/5 = Liked It

Little Fox says: "I liked that 3 people won [1st, 2nd, 3rd place ribbons]."

Momma: Nellie Sue was a great friend in this book.  What did she do to show what a great friend and good sport she was?
Fox: She was happy when someone else won.
Momma: Was she a little disappointed that she did not win the blue ribbon?
Fox:  A little.
Momma: If you really wanted to win first place but didn't, how would you feel? What would you do?
Fox: I would feel okay because other times I don't win and I feel okay.
Momma: Do you think had fun trying?
Fox: Yes.
Momma: I'm glad she had fun trying.  If you try your best and have fun you will always come out ahead even if you don't win a blue ribbon

Sally Sore Loser (By Frank J. Sileo)

2/5 = OK

Momma: Do you remember what the book is about?
Fox: Sportsmanship.  GOOD sportsmanship.
Momma: Should we yell at other people when we play games?
Fox: No, because that wouldn't be good sportsmanship.
Momma: What is the point of playing games?
Fox: Having fun.
Momma: Does Sally learn that at the end of the book?
Fox: Yes!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Spike the Mixed Up Monster (by Susan Hood)

5/5 = Loved It
Little Fox says: "I like this book because I like monsters!"

Momma: How many monsters are in this book?
Fox: Two.
Momma: Are they scary?
Fox: One is, one is not.
Momma: If you were a monster, would you be a scary monster or a not-scary monster?
Fox: A scary one.  I would be a walking guy with a lizard head with spiked on his head and some sharp teeth and three eyes and a spiky tail that stings.  Would that be scary?  And a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long tongue.  And sharp claws.

Nest (by Jorey Hurley)

4/5 = Really Liked It
Little Fox says: "I like that there were lots of birds."

Momma: How many birds were at the beginning of the book?
Fox: Two.
Momma: And how many birds are there in the end?
Fox: FOUR!  And in the middle, there's three.

Sally Goes to Heaven (by Huneck)

3/5 = Liked It
Little Fox says: "I like this book because I like dogs.  But I like cats more.  And I like the pictures."

Momma: What happens to Sally?
Fox: She goes to heaven.
Momma: How do you think Sally's owners feel that she went to heaven?
Fox: Sad...because she died.
Momma: Buy Sally's owners think they'll see Sally again when they go to heaven.  What does the author think heaven is like for Sally?
Fox: She can do anything she wants...like get ice cream...and he thinks meatballs grow on bushes!

Catching Kisses (by Amy Gibson)

3/5 = Liked It
Little Fox Says: "It was kind of funny that they thought dandelion pieces were kisses..."

Momma: Do you like catching kisses?
Fox: No.
Momma: Do you like giving kisses?
Fox: Yes.  But not as much as hugs.

Peggy (by Anna Walker)

4/5 = Really Liked
Little Fox says: "I like this book because it's a chicken that lived in a house."

Momma: What happens to the chicken?
Fox: She doesn't know the way back home.
Momma: Why did she leave her home?
Fox: The wind blew her!
Momma: How did she find her way back home?  Did someone help her?
Fox:  The pigeons did!
Momma: If you got lost, would pigeons help you find your way home?
Fox: No!
Momma: So how would you get home.
Fox: Tell the police...
Momma: What information would they need?
Fox: My name, my momma and daddy's name, and my address!

Empty Fridge (by Gaetan Doremus)

4/5 = Really Liked

Little Fox says: "I liked this book because they all ate together and because they all made it together."

Momma: Do you remember why they made food together?
Fox: Because they didn't have enough.
Momma: What did they make?
Fox: A quiche.
Momma: How does this book look different than other books?
Fox: It's tall!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Larry and Rita (by Jamie Michalak)

2/5 = OK

Little Fox says:
"I liked this book because there were a couple different stories."

Momma: I like listening to you read.  Do you like reading?
Fox: Yes!
Momma: Did you think this book was pretty easy to read?
Fox: Yes.  The big words were hard.
Momma: What do you do when you get to the big words?
Fox: I need help sounding them out.

Froodle (by Antoinette Portis)

4/5 = Really Liked It

Momma: Why did you give this book so many stars?
Fox: Because I liked that the birds were kind of silly!
Momma: Did the big crow like that they were silly in the beginning?
Fox: No.  Maybe because it hurt his feelings and he didn't like it.
Momma: What did the big crow want them to do?
Fox: Do stuff like real birds.  Talk like [real birds].  Like, "Tweet!"
Momma: And what did they want to do?
Fox: The little ones? They wanted to be silly!  Like, "Roodle-schmoodle."
Momma: So what did the big crow decide in the end?
Fox: That he wanted to be silly like the other ones.
Momma: Do you like being silly or serious?
Fox: Silly!  Sometimes when people are being silly or saying silly things I get kind of frustrated.
Momma: The big crow got frustrated, too.  But he decided that sometimes it's okay to be silly.  Silly can be lots of fun.

Hi, Koo (by Jon J. Muth)

3/5 = Liked It
Little Fox says:
"I liked the panda!"

Momma: Why do you like the panda so much?
Fox: Because I like how cute he is.
Momma: Is he cuter than you are?
Fox: No.
Momma: Do you remember what the poems were about?
Fox: The weather.
Momma: Yes.  It was about the seasons!  What seasons are there?
Fox: Christmas.
Momma: That's a holiday.  What season do we celebrate Christmas in?  There are four of them...
Fox: Winter...Fall...Summer...Spring!

Picnic (by John Burningham)

2/5 = OK

 Little Fox says:
"I liked this book because they had a picnic!"

Momma: Do you like picnics?
Fox: Yes, because we get to eat outside.
Momma: What do you dislike about picnics?
Fox: Mosquitoes!

Water Can Be (by Laura Purdie Salas)

3/5 = Liked It
Little Fox says:
"I like that I can see all of the different thing that water can do!"

Momma: What are some things that water can be?
Little Fox: It can be fog, it can be waterfalls, and it can flood!

Pom and Pim (by Lena and Olof Landstrom)

4/5 = Really Liked It
Momma: What happened in this book?
Fox: They ate ice cream!  I like her stuffed animal.
Momma: Do you share ice cream with your special stuffed animal.
Fox: No.

Momma: Why not?!
Fox: Because stuffed animals don't eat ice cream!
Momma: What else happened in this book?
Fox: She tripped on a rock and found a dollar...then she used the dollar for the ice cream store...and when she had a tummy ache after the ice cream, she had to sleep!  

Fat Cat on a Mat (by Phil Roxbee Cox)

3/5 = Liked It

Little Fox says: "I liked this book because he was making the eggs warm.  And I like cats."

Momma: This is a "lift-the-flap" book.  Do you like books with flaps that lift up?
Fox: Uh-huh.  I like that there's a picture underneath!

Lego: Monster Fighters, Meet the Monsters (by Simon Beecroft)

3/5 = Liked It

Little Fox says:
"I liked this book because I got to see all different types of monsters and vampires.  And I liked the power stones."

Momma: You don't like Legos at all, right?
Fox: I do...
Momma: Are you sure?
Fox: Yeah.  I DO!

Grizzly Bear Rock (by Lesley Sims)

2/5 = OK

Little Fox says:
"I like this book because I like the words and I like the name of the book -- and the guys.  Someone wants to join in and she can [dance] but she CAN'T sing!"

Ted in a Red Bed (by Phil Roxbee Cox)

2/5 = OK

Little Fox says: "I like it because he got a new red bed!"

Momma: Was it easy to read?
Fox: Yes, it was.
Momma: Do you want a red bed?
Fox: A blue bed!

If I Had a Raptor (George O'Conner)

2/5 = OK
Momma: Would you want a raptor?
Fox: A dinosaur?  Only when it's small.  But when it's big, toss it out the window!

Crankenstein (by Samantha Berger)

3/5 = liked it

Little Fox says:
"It had funny words and [Crankenstein] has a cool name and I liked the guy."

Momma: This book looks kind of scary.  Is it a scary book?
Fox: Kind of...because when he was cranky he yelled monster words.  When he's not cranky he's back to normal!
Momma: Do you ever get cranky?
Fox: (laughing) And turn into Crankenstein?  No.
Momma: But do you ever get cranky?
Fox: Yes.
Momma: And what do you do when you get cranky?
Fox: Take some deep breaths.
Momma: Do I ever turn into Crankenstein when I get cranky?
Fox: No.  You don't turn green!
Momma: But sometimes when I get cranky I get sharp and snippy. What do I say when I get cranky and snippy?
Fox: You say you're sorry.
Momma: That's right.  Because even grown ups can get cranky. And if we make mistakes or get snippy it's important to apologize. Everyone has bad days, right?  We apologize and we learn from our mistakes.