Friday, September 19, 2014

How Full Is Your Bucket For Kids (by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer)

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Momma: What did you do today that filled your bucket?
AJ: I don't know...My bucket was kind of empty because I didn't get to play with Priscilla.
Momma: Is there something else that might help fill your bucket?  Doesn't playing with your cousin fill your bucket?
AJ: Little bit.
Momma: How about you, Fox?  Does playing with AJ help fill your bucket?
Fox: Yes.  I have a lot of things.
Momma: Well, did either of you do anything that filled someone else's bucket today?
Fox: Oh, listening!  I listened to [my gym teacher] today.  Listening fills buckets.
Momma: That's right!  You know what you did that filled my bucket today?  You gave me hugs and kisses.  I'm sure AJ gave his momma and daddy hugs and kisses and I bet that helped fill their buckets today!  Do hugs and kisses fill your bucket?
AJ/Fox: Yes.
Momma: Maybe we can think of a way to fill Daddy's bucket when he gets home.  Do you have any ideas of what you can do to fill his bucket?  What does he like?  What would make him happy?
Fox: We can walk on the trail.
Momma: Yes!  I bet he would love that.  How about you, AJ?  What will you do to fill your daddy's bucket today?  How about giving him hugs and kisses?
AJ: Yes.  I do that all the time.
Momma: You know what else fills my bucket?  I love when Fox cuddles with me and reads to me.
Fox: Do you want me to read to you later?
Momma: Yes!  I would love that.  But we could wait until Daddy gets home because I know that will help fill his bucket, too.

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