Monday, October 27, 2014

Leaf Trouble (by Jonathan Emmett)

2/5 = OK
Momma: What do you like about the Fall leaves?

Fox: The colors...[I like] that I can play with them.

Momma: When I picked you up from school today, what were you doing in the leaves?

Fox: Kicking them!

Momma: Why?

Fox: Because I like to!

Momma: I love the leaves, too.  I like the colors.  I like when they fall.  I like putting them in piles and kicking them and jumping into the piles and I like how they crunch when we walk on them!

Fox: Next Fall, can we catch all the leaves?  Please???

Momma: How would we do that?

Fox: With our hands!

Momma: Well, the leaves don't fall all at the same time.  Like they said in the book. the leaves fall a little bit at a time.  But we can wait for a windy day this week and try to catch as many leaves as the wind knocks down.  How does that sound?

Fox: Good!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Piece of Cake (by Leuyen Pham)

3/4 = Liked It
Little Fox says, "I liked this book because I liked the ending."

Momma: Mouse was so kind.  Mouse made Little Bird a birthday cake but he gave it all away before Little Bird ever got to see it!
Fox: Yeah.  But then he made an even better one with bird.  One with even more stuff.
Momma: That's right.  Where did he get all the ingredients for the second cake?
Fox: They traded with all the other animals.
Momma: Mouse was so kind and Little Bird was so clever.  They are very good friends.
Fox: And they made the best cake ever!
Momma: Would you mind if a friend made you a cake for your birthday and then gave it all away so there was none left for you?
Fox: No!
Momma: How about if a friend made you a cake but it was big enough to be shared with all your other friends?  Would you like to share with your friends?
Fox:  If it was big enough and I would get some, too?  Yes.  I would share!

The Midnight Library (by Kazuno Kohara)

4/5 = Really Liked It

Little Fox says, "I liked the owls that were the assistants.  I like the tortoise. I like A LOT of stuff about it."

Fox: Was the owls your favorite?
Momma: I liked the owls but the little librarian was my favorite.  She was very helpful.
Fox: I meant which animal is your favorite?
Momma: I liked the tortoise because he didn't want to leave until he was done reading.
Fox: My favorite was the wolf...or the fox.  I pick two: the wolf and the fox.
Momma: How is the Midnight Library different than the libraries we go to?
Fox: Because it was only open at night.
Momma: What else is different?  Do animals go to our libraries?
Fox: No.  Animals were the only ones allowed in the Midnight Library.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Simon's Book (by Henrik Drescher)

2/5 = OK

Little Fox said, "It was OK.  I thought it would be awesome."

Momma: What happened in the book?
Fox: They thought the monster was mean.
Momma: Was he?
Fox: No.
Momma: It is funny that his drawing came to life.  Have your drawings ever come to life?
Fox: No.  I wouldn't want them to!
Momma: If you could draw something that you KNEW would come to life, what would you draw?
Fox: A person...a nice person.
Momma: I would draw a castle for us to live in.  And a nice dragon that would let me ride on his back.  And a big hot tub to swim in.  And cake to eat!
Fox: I'd staple paper together...paper as big as our house...and I'd draw a cake that a whole bunch of people could eat.  I'd draw gigantic pictures of EVERY food.  If we didn't have a house to live in, I'd draw a giant house, too.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Flat Stanley Show-and-Tell Flat Stanley! (by Jeff Brown)

3/5 = Liked It

Little Fox says, "I liked it."

Momma: What would you take to show and tell?
Fox: I don't know...
Momma: A toy, a book...the cat?!
Fox: I'd take the kitty.  Or if we had a new kitten, I'd take a kitten.
Momma: What did Arthur take to show and tell?
Fox: Flat Stanley.  His brother.
Momma: Why did Arthur take Flat Stanley to show and tell?  It wasn't because he was flat...What special thing could Flat Stanley do?
Fox:...wiggle his ears!

Friday, September 19, 2014

How Full Is Your Bucket For Kids (by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer)

3/5 = Liked It
Momma: What did you do today that filled your bucket?
AJ: I don't know...My bucket was kind of empty because I didn't get to play with Priscilla.
Momma: Is there something else that might help fill your bucket?  Doesn't playing with your cousin fill your bucket?
AJ: Little bit.
Momma: How about you, Fox?  Does playing with AJ help fill your bucket?
Fox: Yes.  I have a lot of things.
Momma: Well, did either of you do anything that filled someone else's bucket today?
Fox: Oh, listening!  I listened to [my gym teacher] today.  Listening fills buckets.
Momma: That's right!  You know what you did that filled my bucket today?  You gave me hugs and kisses.  I'm sure AJ gave his momma and daddy hugs and kisses and I bet that helped fill their buckets today!  Do hugs and kisses fill your bucket?
AJ/Fox: Yes.
Momma: Maybe we can think of a way to fill Daddy's bucket when he gets home.  Do you have any ideas of what you can do to fill his bucket?  What does he like?  What would make him happy?
Fox: We can walk on the trail.
Momma: Yes!  I bet he would love that.  How about you, AJ?  What will you do to fill your daddy's bucket today?  How about giving him hugs and kisses?
AJ: Yes.  I do that all the time.
Momma: You know what else fills my bucket?  I love when Fox cuddles with me and reads to me.
Fox: Do you want me to read to you later?
Momma: Yes!  I would love that.  But we could wait until Daddy gets home because I know that will help fill his bucket, too.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Kindergarten Rules! by Catherine Hapka

3/5 = Liked It

Fox's six-year-old cousin AJ was our guest critic.  We love reading books with our family and friends!

Momma: What is your favorite rule at school?
Fox: No running.
AJ: No pushing.  Because if someone pushes you, you might get knocked out and you might hit your head and you might have to go to the doctor before you pass out!
Momma: That's right.  We don't want kids to get hurt.  Rules are important because they help keep us safe.
Fox: Also, there are rules to keep people with knives out of the school.
Momma: That's right.  There are even rules for grown-ups!  They have rules that tell parents where and how to come in the school so the teachers and staff always knows who is there.  Rules are great because they keep us safe; and when we're safe, we can fun!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress (by Christine Baldacchino)

2/5 = OK
Momma: What did Morris Micklewhite like to wear?
Fox: A dress.
Momma: How did his classmates feel about that?
Fox: Funny.  It was funny to them.  They wouldn't let him on the spaceship they made.  And they didn't let him sit by them.
Momma:  Why?
Fox: Because they didn't like that he was wearing a dress.  They didn't like that he was a boy wearing a dress.
Momma: How do you think Morris felt about that?
Fox: Sad.
Momma: Do you think his classmates were behaving well?
Fox: No.  But the next time the boys were [nice] to him.
Momma: That's right.
Fox: But the girl wasn't nice.
Momma: She wanted the dress.
Fox: She said, "Boys don't wear dresses!"  And he said the right thing.  He said she could have it when he was done with it.
Momma: This is a good book because it tells you that you should be kind to people even if they're different than you are.
Fox: And he was.   

Loula is Leaving for Africa (by Anne Villeneuve)

3/5 = Liked It
Momma: Why did Loula decide to go to Africa?
Fox: Because of her mean, stinky brothers.  That's what she called them.
Momma: That's right.  Does she actually go to Africa?
Fox: No.
Momma: Her driver friend takes her to the playground and they pretend that it's an adventure and they're going to Africa.  What happens in the end?
Fox: They go home.  I remember one part I liked.  I liked the stuffed animal cat!

Wild Berries (by Julie Flett)

2/5 = OK
Momma: It looks like Clarence and his grandma went to the woods to pick berries.  What type of berries were they picking?
Fox: Blueberries.  Can we find blueberries somewhere?
Momma: We can.  You know what else people like to pick in the summer?  Strawberries!
Fox: Can we pick strawberries sometime?
Momma: Yes.  You know an interesting thing about this book?
Fox: What?
Momma: It has words in English and words in Cree.  And in the end it has a recipe for blueberry jam.  Would you like to make blueberry jam sometime?
Fox: Yes!  [Our neighbor] Paul made us strawberry jam, right?  Can I have some on my peanut butter and jelly sandwich today?
Momma: Absolutely.  Let's tell daddy that you'd like that for lunch today.

Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns About Sportsmanship: Winning Isn't Everything

4/5 = Really Liked 

Little Fox says: "I like [Howard] the bunny and I like that the book was funny."

Momma: In the book, the coach says, "Sometimes there are more importatnt things than winning." What is more important than winning?
Fox: Following directions...making the right choice...
Momma: That's right.  And what else? What do Momma and Daddy say when you play soccer?  Do we say, "Get out there and WIN!"?
Fox:  You say, "Be happy and have fun!"
Momma: That's right.  We like to watch you have fun.  We love to watch you play fair and be respectful and have fun working with your team.

Liam Wins the Game, Sometimes: A Story about Losing with Grace (by Jane Whelen Banks)

2/5 = OK
Little Fox says: "I like this book because they were playing games."

Momma: What makes a person a good sport?
Fox: Being nice.  Right?
Momma: Nice when they win?  Or nice when they lose?
Fox: Both!

Hen's Pens (by Phil Roxbee Cox)

3/5 = Liked It

Little Fox says: "I like this book because the hen's eggs had a snake in it!"

Here Comes Destructosaurus (by Aaron Reynolds)

4/5 = Really Liked
Little Fox says: "I like monsters!"

Momma: I remember people kept telling Destructosaurus to do things like wipe his feet; the sorts of things parents often say to their kids.  Why did Destructosaurus make such a big mess in the city?

He made a mess because he was trying to find his teddy bear!

Monday, July 7, 2014

How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head (by Bill Peet)

4/5 = Really Liked

Little Fox says: "I like this book because I like dragons a lot.  This dragon had a cool tail."

Momma: You and daddy read this book together.  Do you remember what happens in it?
Fox: A dragon was flying in the fog and one dragon got lost.
Momma: Oh no.  Was he scared?
Fox: No.  And he found a home.  His home was a cave.  The cave was small.  It really was small!  He woke up being lonely.
Momma: If you had to live in a really small cave all by yourself would you be lonely?
Fox: Yes.  And scared.
Momma: Was that the end of the book?
Fox: No.  I want to stop there.
Momma: Okay.  I guess I'll have to read this to find out what happens.  Is the ending happy at least?
Fox: Yes.  It's really happy!

The Queen Makes a Scene (by Mairi Mackinnon)

2/5 = OK

Momma:  These are interesting books to read because momma gets to read some parts and you get to read some parts.  Do you like that?
Fox: Yes.  I like taking turns reading.
Momma: Do you remember what happens to the queen in the book?
Fox:  She feels all better when [the doctor] gets there.

Piggy and Dad Play (by David Martin)

3/5 = Liked It

Momma: Do you like these Piggy and Dad books?
Fox: Yes.  Because I like that they're funny!  They're easy to read and I like the pigs.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Piggy and Dad (by David Martin)

4/5 = Really Liked It

Little Fox says: "I like this book because there were a couple stories."

Momma: These stories are nice for kids like you who are learning to read because they're short and you can figure out words by sounding out letters AND using the pictures.
Fox:  Yes.  Sometimes [books] don't have pictures and that's harder.
Momma: Piggy and Piggy's dad remind me of you and your daddy.  What are some things that Piggy and Piggy's daddy do that you do with your daddy?
Fox: I take baths, I eat sandwiches with daddy, I draw pictures and daddy writes the words...I read books with my daddy, and I do pillow fights with my daddy!

The Mischevians (by William Joyce)

4/5 = Really Liked It

Little Fox says: "I like this book because I like MONSTERS!"

Momma: This book was cool because it told us about all different sorts of little monsters.  Which is you favorite monster?
Fox: I have two.  The Sticker: he shoots his nose at your foot!  And the Clog-la-dite: he clogs the toilet.
Momma: These are pretty silly monsters.  I guess I shouldn't blame daddy for clogging the toilet now that I know a little monster is doing it...  

Princess Sparkle-Heart Gets a Makeover (by Josh Schneider)

3/5 = Liked It

Little Fox says: "I liked the doll because the doll was COOL!"

Momma: Did you like the doll when she was brand new?  Or after her makeover?
Fox: I liked it when it was a MONSTER.
Momma: I agree.  That was a super cool surprise ending.  But why did they give the doll a monster makeover?
Fox: Because the dog ate her.
Momma: Yes.  That was pretty silly.  But I have to say, the makeover was awesome.  Should we turn your favorite bunny into a monster?
Fox: NO!
Momma: Do you like princesses or monsters?
Fox: Monsters.
Momma: Do you like bunnies or monsters?
Fox: MY bunny.  Do you like bunnies or monsters?
Momma: I like your bunny.  But I really like Princess Sparkle-Heart as a monster.

Dino-Wrestling (by Lisa Wheeler)

4/5 = Really Liked It

Little Fox says: "I like dinosaurs and I like wrestling!"

Momma: Do you wrestle with dinosaurs?
Fox: No?
Momma: Who do you wrestle with?
Fox: Daddy!
Momma: Did you notice how the author wrote it?
"Step inside the massive tent.
Get ready for the first event."
Fox: It rhymes!
Momma: It think rhyming books are EXTRA fun to read.  Especially when they are about dinosaurs.

Little Burro (by Jim Arnosky)

4/5 = Really Liked It

Little Fox says: "I like the donkey!"

Momma: This little donkey really liked his home didn't he.  When he found out they were leaving, how did he feel?
Fox: Sad.
Momma: Sometimes people are reluctant to leave their favorite places.  But where did he end up going?
Fox: To one of his OTHER favorite places.
Momma: Yes, he discovered ANOTHER favorite place.  And in the end, he was happy he left home to discover it.  But he was also happy --
Fox: Because he was back home!

Fancy Nancy and the Mean Girl (by Jane O'Connor)

3/5 = Liked It

Little Fox says: "I like races."

Momma: Why didn't Fancy Nancy want to race with Grace on Field Day?
Fox: Because Grace is kind of mean.  She says mean things to her.
Momma: It's definitely not fun to play with kids who say mean things.  Fancy Nancy had a talk with Grace and said she didn't want Grace to say mean things.  What did Grace do?
Fox: Listened.
Momma: Yes!  Fancy Nancy did the right thing by using her words and explaining her feelings and Grace did the right thing by listening and making better choices.
Fox: Yes.  Grace only said after, "Do you want a cookie?"
Momma: Yes!  And that was Good Friend Behavior.  Sometimes people don't realize the choices they make or the words they use hurt other people.  That's why it's important to use our words.
Fox: Yes.  That's what school says, too.
Momma: Exactly.  Grace might not have known that her words were hurting Nancy.  Now that she knows they bother Nancy so much, she makes better choices in order to be a better friend.  

Babar and the Zephir (by Jean de Brunhoff)

4/5 = Really Liked It

Little Fox says: "I liked that a monkey was fishing."

Momma: What did the monkey catch when he went fishing?
Fox: A mermaid!
Momma: What did he do with her?
Fox: Put her back in the water.
Momma: Luckily he did because later she was able to help him.  Who did she help him find?
Fox: The princess.
Momma: You should probably make friends with a mermaid just in case you need help finding a princess.
Fox: No!  I think mermaids aren't real.
Momma: They make a nice story though, don't they?
Fox: Mmhmm.

Three Bears in a Boat (by David Soman)

3/5 = Liked It

Momma: Why did the three bears run away?
Fox: Because they broke their momma's favorite seashell.
Momma: If you broke something of mine, what would you do?  Would you run away?
Fox: No.  I would say sorry.
Momma: Why did these little bears away?
Fox: Because their momma would be mad -- they thought that.
Momma: What were they trying to do when they ran away?
Fox: Find another blue seashell.
Momma: Did they find one?
Fox: Yes.
Momma: I liked the ending because their momma hugged them and forgave them.  But she also didn't give them any dessert that night.  That seems like something I would do, don't you think?
Fox: Yes.
Momma: Why didn't she give them desssert?
Fox: They made a bad choice.  They tried to sneak the honey and they broke the seashell.
Momma: That's true.  And they also ran away.  I bet their momma was pretty scared when they ran away.  I bet she was mostly upset about that.  But mommas are good at forgiving their kids because mommas love their babies more than anything.